Generate high-quality content at scale with AI

Streamline your content creation — from research and idea generation to publishing high-quality articles in minutes with Dapta’s AI-powered platform.

The best way to get to know us is to try us out! Book a demo and solve your questions

What will we do in our demo?

  1. A quick discovery call to learn about your business 
  2. Create your Dapta account to start training your AI model with your business context.
  3. Start creating content with Artificial Intelligence

Automation that scales your sales

Connect Data Sources to eliminate manual data entry and keep your data up-to-date in real-time effortlessly.

Tailor the automation to your unique business needs, syncing custom fields and attributes for precision.

Seamlessly connect Dapta with top platforms like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Notion via API


  1. What can I do in Dapta?
    You can use Dapta to train an AI model with the specific context of your company, enabling you to generate SEO-optimized articles that enhance the visibility of your or your clients' websites. This process ensures that all content is produced in your brand’s unique voice and tone, from ideation to publication.
  2. What are the benefits of using Dapta for article writing?
    Forget about creative blocks. With Dapta, the content you create will attract, engage, and interest your customers. Achieve top rankings in search engines and become a leader in your field.
  3. Does Google penalize AI-generated content?
    Google prioritizes high-quality content, regardless of its creation method. So, AI-generated content can rank well if it's original, informative, accurate, clear, and written by a credible source. Dapta help you leverage IA to create SEO-friendly content that meets Google's guidelines and boosts your website's ranking.
  4. Can Dapta integrate with other software?
    Yes, Dapta seamlessly integrates with tools like HubSpot, Webflow, WordPress, Shopify, and Notion, enabling you to automate your content creation flow and enhance AI training with more data about your company.
  5. How does Dapta ensure the quality of the generated content?
    Dapta employs advanced AI algorithms and machine learning that not only generate content but also review and optimize it to ensure relevance, accuracy, and high quality, accurately reflecting your brand's voice.